Sexo Coaching Tantra y Coronavirus

Sex Coaching Tantra & Coronavirus

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Sex Coaching Tantra & Coronavirus

After my surgery in October and a convalescence of 5 months, I returned to work, so happy… And it turns out that this has come upon us … !!! So I have prepared this quick guide using the main brand paradigms: Sex, Coaching, Tantra & Coronavirus. Anyway, for those who want to know how I have been doing, the desire I had to return to work, what I have learned, and the future plans, see this blog post:

Sala para sesiones de sex coaching, tantra y trabajo corporal

Meanwhile, urgently and simply, we are going to analyze the paradigms of the page: Sex Coaching Tantra & CORONAVIRUS, and the total confinement for an indefinite time …!

What does Tantra say about Coronavirus and Confinement?: Acceptance

Tantra only works in the first person:

I accept this situation of confinement. This acceptance makes me be at peace. But I see and analyze news and data … and I am pissed off! They force everyone to stay home. I realize the seriousness of the situation, but I am convinced that they do not value the effects of seclusion. Aware of my angry emotion.  Passionate, so I act and express …, and I return to my state of acceptance, which gives me peace.

What does Coaching say about Coronavirus and Confinement?

Excellent opportunity to get closer to your goal. You will have time to study, work in whatever you want … Ah! That your goal is to enjoy every moment? Perfect! You have plenty of time now to practice the main tool: Meditation, and learn to enjoy the moment more and more. Great that there are difficulties … so you can practice. I give you this link to a video where Eckhart Tolle explains it and guides it wonderfully in a special meditation for the occasion in just 15 minutes.

Aceptar situacione difíciles

What does Sex Coaching say about Coronavirus and Confinement?

Do you want to learn to enjoy sex? Become a sexual expert? Take advantage of the time you have now using the powerful sexual energy? Feel more sexual? It’s in your hands. Where do you want to put your attention? And your intention?

It will depend on the situation of each person. In case of being alone: Conscious Masturbation or Orgasmic Yoga, –or even if you are not, it will always be an option,– I recommend you to review this section of the web: MASTURBATION.

In case of being confined with another person or people … accept your fear to get out of it, put common sense, and take advantage of the situation.

By the way, Australian Great Sex Coaches Umma Furman and Deej Juventin organize conscious masturbation circles for Zoom.This is a link to their Website. Anyway, if you are interested in participating in a circle of conscious masturbation, I suggest to connect with me via email: or whatsapp: +34 619072290, to help you participate in this worldwide circle or perhaps open a closer circle .

What do I say…

We are in a unique situation. Hate + Panic + Confinement = ???. I think only Coronavirus deaths are put in the balance. The parallel deaths that are occurring due to confinement, all suffering and other consequences, apart from the economic ones, are not taken into account. In short, despite the terrible nature of the pandemic, the consequences of confinement are becoming even more dire, and there is a high risk of a major social conflict leading to a collapse of the society, or war.

Let’s accept the situation to be at peace. Let us become aware and take advantage of this unique situation. We can do so many things in this situation! (I tell you, I have been practicing for almost two years now). How?

We talk?

I’m glad I have more time. Maybe now it will be easier to talk about what you want. I am specialized in sexuality, but I have experience in caring for people, and helping them get what they want in other aspects than sexual. Confinement is a bigger challenge than we imagine. It is important to know how to manage ourselves, so as not to suffer in vain, take advantage of time and enjoy.

If you feel like it, you feel that it will be good for you or if we just talk or get to know each other, send me an email to: or a whatsapp at 619072290 before calling. It will be a pleasure.

Un abrazo,

Jordi Oller

Sex Coaching Tantra & Coronavirus


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