Sex Coaching with sex on stage in the Barcelona Erotic Festival 2019

Photos of the Salón Erótico de Barcelona 2019

  |   Events, Masaje Erótico, Masaje Tántrico, Sex Coaching, sexological bodywork, sexuality, tantra, Terapia   |   No comment

Here I show you a few Photos of the Salon Erótico de Barcelona 2019. It went very well !!! Just after the festival, on October the 9th, I had surgery again to rebuild my heel. Now I start to be more in the mood to work with the computer. I hope to take good advantage of these months of convalescence. In fact I am already doing it. It is being a very intense and complete acceptance interior work. I’m fine.

Soon I will receive all the material that my friend Kike recorded and photographed, of much better quality. I thank him very much his work.

Momentos previos al inicio de la segunda sesión de Sex Coaching con sexo en el escenario. Pamela y Jesús mostraron cómo seria iniciarse en el sexo tántrico y juegos de poder, así como estar más presente y hacer durar más el juego sexual, con mayor control de eyaculación.  Fotos del Salón Erótico de Barcelona
Moments before the start of the second session of Sex Coaching with sex on stage. Pamela and Jesús showed what it would be like to start tantric sex and power games, as well as being more present and making the sexual play last longer, with greater control of ejaculation.

This Festival has been very special. For the first time it is mostly focused on sex education, which is what I do. So I participated more than ever with 8 scheduled sessions. Apart from the demonstrations of erotic massage, the other sessions were presentations that I made for the first time, and in the case of sex coaching with sex on stage, I doubt that it has been done before, at least in this way. Pure research in sex education: What I like most about my work.

Conversación inicial antes de a tercera sesión de Sex Coaching con sexo en el escenario. Mostramos una forma muy eficaz de tratar el vaginismo y la disfunción eréctil al mismo tiempo. Pudimos ver cómo hacer una penetración con el pene blando, con la dificultad añadida de un condón (motivo de frustración de muchos hombres).

Initial conversation before the third session of Sex Coaching with sex on stage. We show a very effective way to treat vaginismus and erectile dysfunction at the same time. We could see how to make a penetration with the soft penis, with the added difficulty of a condom (cause of frustration of many men). And much more.

Sex coaching with sex on stage was shown in 3 different sessions:

  • Masturbation: The most intimate secrets to enjoy solo sex more
  • The most intimate secrets to enjoy sex more with a partner
  • How to treat the most common problems: Vaginismus, erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia, dyspareunia, ejaculation control, tension, audience requests.

This explicit way of showing sexual practice allows us to learn what is otherwise nearly impossible, and in a very interesting and exciting way…

En estas sesiones de Sex Coaching con sexo en el escenario, pudimos conocer a Pamela y Jesús en la intimidad. Aprendieron lo que vinieron a descubrir: Cómo seria el sexo tántrico, cómo mejorar el control de eyaculación, como iniciarse en el BDSM y cómo tener más orgasmos y más intensos.
In these Sex Coaching sessions with sex on stage, we were able to meet Pamela and Jesus in privacy. They learned what they came to discover: What would tantric sex be like, how to improve ejaculation control, how to start in BDSM and how to have more orgasms and more intense.
Pamela chupándole la polla a Jesús
Pamela and Jesus had time to get carried away and do what they wanted. They have been a couple for 15 years, and between acting and acting, they practice sex! This was the first time they participated in a Sex Coaching session. They are delighted to be pioneers in educational porn. Helping people enjoy sex more and get aroused at the same time.
En las sesiones de Sex Coaching con sexo en el escenario hablo con el público, para explicar qué es lo que hacemos. por qué lo hacemos y cómo lo hacemos. Sin embargo, lo más importante es ver lo que hacen. Sabemos que una imagen es mejor que mil palabras. La experiencia completa es mejor que mil imágenes. Fotos del Salón Erótico de Barcelona
In Sex Coaching sessions with sex on stage I talk to the audience, to explain what we do. why we do it and how we do it. However, the most important thing is to see what they do. We know that a picture is better than a thousand words. The complete experience is better than a thousand images, an if explained meanwhile, even better.
Entrevistar en plena acción sexual puede ser muy excitante... Fotos del Salón Erótico de Barcelona
In Sex Coaching sessions with sex on stage I interview the couple in full sexual play. It can be very exciting … Although it can cause them to get out of trance, with practice, they can improve their ability to be in trance and present at the same time. This can produce exquisite pleasure, absolute love, union, transcendence, fulfillment, satori…
Sex coaching de masturbación. Pamela y Jesús hicieron una sesión de masturbación consciente. Una meditación dedicada al auto placer y la masturbación, la técnica más poderosa para obtener placer, sanación y transformación a través de la sexualidad.
Sex coaching on masturbation. Pamela and Jesus did a conscious masturbation session, with a coach and audience. A meditation dedicated to self pleasure and masturbation, the most powerful technique to obtain pleasure, healing and transformation through sexuality.

Learning to touch and to be touched

En este Salón presenté “La delgada línea roja del consentimiento”. Aunque ahora lo titularía: “Aprender a tocar y ser tocado”. Taller basado en “La rueda del consentimiento” de Betty Martin. Tocar para el propio beneficio es la clave para aprender a tocar para el beneficio del otro. Permitir que nos toquen para su beneficio es diferente que nos toquen para el nuestro. Al practicar estos 4 estados a través de un simple juego se nos abre un mundo extraordinario.
In this Festival I presented “The thin red line of consent”. Although now I would entitle: “Learning to touch and to be touched.” Workshop based on “The wheel of consent” by Betty Martin. Touching for one’s own benefit is the key for learning to touch for the benefit of the other. Allowing them to touch us for their benefit is different from touching us for ours. By practicing these 4 states through a simple game, an extraordinary world opens up for us.

Erotic massage demo session

Demostración de masaje erótico. La principal dificultad de dar una masaje es saber lo que quiere el receptor, ya que normalmente no sabe comunicarlo. Como todo, se practica. El masaje nos exige ser honestos. Si no lo damos al 100%, el que recibe, lo notará. También se aprende a recibirlo. Las claves: respiración, expresión y comunicación.  Fotos del Salón Erótico de Barcelona
Demonstration of erotic massage. The main difficulty of giving a massage is knowing what the recipient wants, since he usually does not know how to communicate it. Like everything, it is learned by practice. Massage requires us to be honest. If we do not give it 100%, the one who receives will notice it. You also learn to receive it. The keys: breathing, expression and communication.
Demostración de Masaje Erótico a una mujer, Sr prestó una voluntaria del público. Para la próxima vez voy a procurar tener una buena cámara para que el público lo pueda ver mejor en la pantalla que hay en la sala. En un masaje es muy bueno acostumbrarnos a expresar, para expandir el placer, dar feed back al masajista y mas show al público.  Fotos del Salón Erótico de Barcelona
Demonstration of Erotic Massage to a woman, A volunteer from the public was the receiver. For the next time I will try to have a good camera so that the public can see it better on the screen in the room. In a massage it is very good to get used to expressing, to expand the pleasure, to give feedback back to the masseur and, in this case, more show for the audience.

“Tantra for all”

El taller “Tantra para todos” encontró todas las dificultades posibles: El jueves el Salón recién abierto, con poca gente, el espacio con ruidos exteriores, con suelo de asfalto, problemas de sonido, olvidé los antifaces… Tantra es ACEPTACIÓN, y poco a poco fuimos aceptando el espacio, la gente, la situación, hasta acabar disfrutando con mucho amor y ganas de más.  Fotos del Salón Erótico de Barcelona
The workshop “Tantra for all” encountered all possible difficulties: On Thursday the newly opened room at the beginning of the Festival, with few people, the space with exterior noises, with asphalt floor, sound problems, I forgot the masks … Tantra is ACCEPTANCE, and little by Little were we accepting the space, the people, the situation, until we ended up enjoying a lot, with love and wanting more.
Jordi Oller, Pamela Sánchez, Liz Rainbow  Fotos del Salón Erótico de Barcelona
Beauty is spread! I usually look worse. With Liz Rainbow and Pamela Sánchez
Fotos del Salón Erótico de Barcelona

I hope you liked these Photos of the Salón Erótico de Barcelona 2019. In the next few days I will work with better quality material, that Kike has sent me, to be able to show you all the work much better. Now, resting after the surgery, I will have time to work on the computer. And keep investigating.

I hope to start doing activities from next year.

Contact me for any question.

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Access my facebook page, where you will find more photos of the Salón Erótico de Barcelona 2019

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