Hi! Back to work?

  |   Education, Erotic Massage, Masaje Erótico, pleasure, sexological bodywork, Sexual Education, sexuality, Terapia   |   No comment

Hello! Let’s go back to work? What work? I’m talking about the work of offering my services to clients, and promoting this way of aproaching sexuality, in various ways, such as giving sessions, articles, talks, demonstrations, workshops or courses. But in fact, I have not stopped. From the accident, I took advantage of the rest that I had to make and the time it gave me to work myself. How?

Well, precisely doing what I recommend to do to almost all my clients: Sessions of meditation, Orgasmic Yoga, conscious masturbation, self pleasure,… (I write different names so that it is understood better, for those who do not know it)

I have been doing it since I did the first training of Sexological Bodywork. Every day for one month in the second, and later, from time to time. But lately I had it a little forgotten. That of the priorities… I was considering other more important things… Now I have been doing it more and more, until, practically, all my day is a constant session of self pleasure. Right now, writing this. Everything can be done for pleasure.

This deepening has led me to incorporate the attitude I’ve been looking for for a long time, and I think we’re all looking: Living to be happy. Instead of living to achieve goals and have results. I am not saying that I am enlightened, but I have verified how effective is this form of meditation, yoga, sexuality, masturbation – as we would like to say – to leave the immense habit / belief of doing to have (love, power, relationships, money, pleasure, recognition, etc.). When it comes to BE (loving, powerful, close, rich, joyous, feeling recognized, etc.).

Now, I’m happy to dedicate some time to work, the work I referred to at the beginning. I am very careful to avoid leaving this habit that I am acquiring of doing to enjoy. I will share my discoveries and knowledge, which make me be as I am. Now I hope to be able to help you much more to obtain pleasure, in the most general sense of the word. The pleasure of the present, as well as the continuous pleasure that we all seek.

I’ll be doing things little by little, now that I’m recovering. I’m happy to have this job: how to enjoy more and more. In sex, and in life, of course.


Jordi Oller

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